Whew! And now it's time to get to work...

There are twelve Democratic senators who voted for torture and the abolition of habeas corpus. They need to be replaced with senators who do what they swore an oath to do -- defend the Constitution. Must be some good Democratic youngsters out there who'd give these dinosaurs a smart run in their next primary.
Here is a list of the Democratic senators who voted for the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the year they will be up for re-election:
Tom Carper (DE) -- 2012I know it's a ways off, but we should keep our eyes peeled, maybe find a young one, and train 'em up. No point in waiting until the last minute. And while we are in the mood, Representative Rahm Emmanuel (D-IL05) is up for re-election in 2008 as well. I'd really love to see Christine Cegelis in that seat!
Tim Johnson (SD) -- 2008
MaryLandrieu (LA) -- 2008
Frank Lautenberg (NJ) -- 2008
Joe Lieberman (CT) -- 2012 (well, not so much a Dem anymore...)
Robert Menendez (NJ) -- 2012
Bill Nelson (FL) -- 2012
Ben Nelson (NE) -- 2012
Mark Pryor (AR) -- 2008
Jay Rockefeller (WV) -- 2010
Ken Salazar (CO) -- 2009
Debbie Stabenow (MI) -- 2012
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